Professor Afolakemi Olasumbo Oredein is an Educational Manager and a teacher par excellence, an astute academic, a dutiful administrator, and a prolific author whose research interests span several areas of Educational Management, leadership in particular. Her research articles have been published in numerous national and international outlets.
Her career in teaching/research and administration has afforded her ample experience with both staff and learners at different levels of education in Nigeria and several countries of the world. As an academic with a dignified career path, Prof. Oredein is the first professor of Educational Management,the first female dean of the Faculty of Arts & Education,the first female professor at Lead City University, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria,and currently, the Dean of Postgraduate School of the same university.
She holds a PhD from the University of Ibadan (2000) and has been privileged to work at the Federal College of Agriculture, I. A. R. & T. Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria and the Institute of Education, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun, State, Nigeria before joining the academic staff of Lead City University, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria in November 2011. As a professor of Educational Management, Prof. Oredein's academic and managerial input and skilful human relations over the years have been extraordinarily leading to the accreditation of over ten programmes in the Faculty and the Postgraduate School. During the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, she introduced the virtual admission and registration processes for the Postgraduate programmes.
She is a Fellow and chartered member of some reputable organisations like; the Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria (IPMN), Kappa Delta Pi (KDP Nigeria Chapter), andWorld Education Research Association (WERA). She is the Editor-in-Chief of some journals like; African Higher Education Review (AHER) an online International Journal, and Journal of Capital Development in Behavioural Sciences (JOCADEBS). She is an External Examiner to both Local and International Institutions.
She has served and still serving in different capacities in several committees both within andoutside the University. She presented her Inaugural Lecture on ‘Good Leadership for National Development: The Inevitable Fraternal Twins and Irresistible Skills as Matters Arising’ in September 2016.
Postgraduate Studies:
Postgraduate studies in Lead City further develop students’ spirit of inquiry through training in scholarly research in an atmosphere of intellectual independence and individual creativity combined with a strong sense of group cooperation. Also, Lead City Postgraduate College is to empower an individual in an excellent way to specialize, retrain, and develop new skills efficiently after being taught the academic basics with an undergraduate degree.
Building individual’s capacity through instruction for a deeper understanding of fundamental concepts and an increasing ability to apply equally vital ideas to new problems. It is also to increase intellectual manpower in academia and promote quality assurance in higher education. Postgraduate students are made to enjoy intellectual stimulation and develop beneficial connections within and outside the University community.
Looking ahead, we believe that the underlying importance of higher education, science, technology, research and scholarship to our quality of life, the strength of our economy and the security of the nation in many dimensions will continue to be the most important message (Vest Charles).