2017 - Volume 21

Volume 21

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Africa's Development Crisis: The System or the Political Elites?
Tunde Oseni, Ph.D. and Yetunde Ademoye

Resource Management and Regional Development in Nigeria: A Comparative Examination of the South-South and South-West Geo-Political Zones.
Charles O.E, Ph.D. and Featus O.I, Ph.D.

Ecowas Peace Architecture and the 2012 Conflict in Mali
Ikwuoma Sunday U.

Truth and Reconciliation process and its Genderisation
Olu Ojedokun Ph.D. and Oluwasefunmi Irewole

Hegemonic Control of the system: International Opportunities for Nigeria
Timothy U. Nte, Ph.D.

Publishing the Unknown Writers in Africa: Implications for Development and the Way Forward
Lambert Ihebuzor, Ph.D.

A cause for Alarm: The State, Human Security and National Security
Mojubaolu Okome, Ph.D

Book Reviews

Audacity on the Bound: The Diplomatic Odyssey
Akuche Chukwuebuka

Culture and Custom of the Yoruba
Magbadelo, J. Olushola



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