2018 - Volume 22 Number 1 and 2

Volume 22 Number 1 and 2

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Ethnicity and the Voting Pattern in Nigeria's 2015 General Elections: The Case of Lagos State
Mudasiru, S.O

Strategic Administration and Human Resources Management in Nigeria and Comparative Ghana: An Analysis
Adeigbe, Y.K and Adejuwon, J.A

Nations in (Inter) National Communications: Exploring the Role of National Culture in Internal and International Communication and Diplomacy
Alakwe K. Ogedi

World Economic Giants in the Eyes of Africa: Perceptions of African Consumers Towards Foreign Electronic Products Originating from China, Japan and United States
A. Aliyu and Qing Ping

Fair Trade Knowledge and the Decline of the American Consumer - Citizen
Alfred Babo

Africa and International Criminal Court: A 21st Century Development in International Justice System
Dawood A.H. Ph.D

Governance Competences in 21st Century: Birthing the New Age Nigerian Public Manager
Moti, Ukertor Gabriel

Book Reviews

The Illusion of the Post Governance and Security Challenges in Africa
Albert, Modupe O.

Africa and Israel: A Unique Case in Israel Foreign Relations
Munyi, Elijah N.

African and Globalization: Linguistic, Literary and Technological Contexts and Discontents
Ajani, Timothy T.



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