The African Journal of International Affairs and Development is an interdisciplinary publication devoted to high quality commentaries, articles, research notes, and book reviews on the legal, political-diplomatic, economic, sociocultural, and military-security issues at the core of Africa's foreign relations and world affairs. It covers the environment, development issues, conflict and cooperation among regional actors in a global context. Despite its African origin, AJIAD maintains a wide thematic variety and broad outlook in theory, methodology and area focus. Special attention is paid to significant developments in Asia which provide lessons for Africa as dynamic societies entering a phase in global development and technology. In its aim to break down the barriers among the worlds of academia, journalism, government and business, AJIAD's advertisement section includes announcements of conferences, meetings, new books, journals, and programmes. Information on tourism, trade and business worldwide is also included (contact the Advert Manager for current advertisement rates and schedules).
Editorial Advisory Board
Professor Alaba Ogunsanwo, Lead City University,1badan, Nigeria: Professor Nick Cheesman, University of Birmingham, Professor Biodun Alao, Kings College, London, Professor Lere Amusan, Department of Political Studies & International Relations, North West University, SoutH Africa, Professor Mojubaolu Okome, City University of New York, CUNY, Dr. Jacob Lewis, University of Maryland, USA.Prof. Toyin Falola, University of Texas, Austin.
Editorial Board
Prof. Jide Owoeye (Editor-in-Chief), Dept of Politics and International Relations, Lead City University, Ibadan
Prof. Oluyemi Fayomi (Executive Editor) Dept. of Politics and International Relations; Lead City University, Ibadan
Dr. Olu Ojedokun, Dept of Private and Business Law, Faculty of Law, Lead City University, Ibadan
Dr. Tunde Oseni, Dept of Politics and International Relations, Lead City University, Ibadan
Dr. Ronald Olufemi Badru, Dept of Politics and International Relations, Lead City University, Ibadan
Dr. Modupe Albert, Dept of Politics and International Relations, Lead City University, Ibadan
Published by Lead City University Press Ltd. Ibadan
All correspondence to: The Executive Editor (Prof. Oluyemi Fayomi) African Jounal of lntemational Affairs and Development (AJIAD)
Tel: +234 810 504 5570, +234 803 334 2415
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