Mode of Payment
All payments to the university are not refundable and not transferable, please note:
Pay Direct Option:
1.Generate your Matric Number / Telephone number
2.Approach any Branch of Bank of your choice
3.Fill a deposit slip with your Matric Number / Telephone number, Name and Email . Indicate the Item you are paying for (Tuition, Insurance e.t.c ) and Amount
4.Give the Deposit slip to the bank teller for payment to LEAD CITY UNIVERSITY on Interswitch’s PAYDIRECT Platform
5.The Teller will process your payment on the Paydirect and Generate a PAYDIRECT E-Receipt with details of your payment captured .
6.Please ensure you have your PAYDIRECT E-RECEIPT as this will be your proof of payment.
7.Please Contact the ICT Unit or School Fees Department for further clarification.
- Payments are to be made once. Installment payment attracts a 5% surcharge on the entire fee.
- All students must pay at least 70% of the tuition fees before registration and class attendance. Payments is not effective without due registration at both Central Registration Unit and Faculty Office for each semester.
- Normal registration is within three weeks of resumption. Please note that students who fails to register within the stipulated period will pay late registration penalty fee which is N20,000. Extremely late registration penalty is N40,000 per semester.
- All final year students will pay Dissertation Binding and Examination fee of N21,500, while students who have completed all requirements for graduation will pay Alumni Initiation fee of N25,500 (compulsory)
- Accommodation fee are payable once to any of the designated banks (no installmental payment allowed).