Valerie Ahilaga

The New Face of Lead City University, Ibadan.

Written by Valerie Ahilaga Abah Anita Anyalewa | Class of 2021/2022 | Mass Communication and Media Technology 


Over the course of history, education has been a vital characteristic of life. Learning, they say, never ends. Whether formal or informal, it is safe to say that every human who has walked the surface of this planet has been through one form of education or the other.


Schooling has become even more popular as the definite need to put children into proper educational institutions has become one of the most important decisions for parents. 


A platform of learning built upon the foundation of making the world a better place

Attuning its people to well-defined characteristics through the teaching of morality and discipline and imparting knowledge for self-reliance. Laying emphasis, upon these rocky foundations of purposes, has the institution, Lead City University, been built; and upon which it has grown over the years to where it is now.


Lead City University has evolved in so many ways, it has made learning easier and more efficient through any circumstance. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, students of Lead City were well equipped and still able to learn through online platform and exams. Students being at home didn’t stop the school from teaching and making sure they were still actively learning.


More hostels are being built for better accommodation for the students so everyone can have the opportunity to stay close to their learning environment.

Also, transportation has been made easy for the students with the “keke” shuttle service which students use to get to class early. Let’s not even forget the various new programmes being added to the school like Engineering for example.


Though, this is an institution where learning is important, the school makes it possible for students to have fun by hosting various events for students like the recently concluded departmental dinners for all Faculties, cultural events, trade fairs and much more. We even had an event where Mr. and Miss Lead City were chosen to help the students of the university to have a voice and be able to communicate to the school.


The new face of Lead City University is truly bigger and better with a lot of new opportunities for students to be able to learn better.




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  • Senate/Council Affairs - 0815 331 8703   |   Registrar's Office - 0815 331 8702
  • Academic Planning - 0815 331 8765    |   Security Gate House - 0815 331 8766
  • Fees Office - 0815 331 8764   |   LCU Hospital - 0815 331 8767

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