August 2022 Alumnus
- Full Name: Anita O. Aina
- Course of Study: Sociology
- Graduation Year: 2015
- Current Professional Title: Assistant Lecturer, Doctoral Candidate
- Name of Employer (or indicate self-employed, retired): Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa.
- Email: : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Phone: +27815992723
Q1: Why did you choose to study at LCU?
Aside from the fact that my dad was a lecturer at LCU, I really wanted to be a part of the LCU family because I loved what I had heard and seen; Today, I am glad that I belong to the wonderful alumni body.
Q2: What is your favorite memory of LCU; a class, a lecturer, an activity or an experience?
The Poise dinner for my set. The glitz and the glamour was second to none.
Q3: What have you done since graduating from LCU?
Since my graduation in 2015, I have worked in a Media company, a PR company and before I left Nigeria, I worked in a the financial institution.
Q4: What is your current job role? And what does it involve?
I am an Assistant Lecturer in the Durban University of Technology. I am also running a PhD programme in Management Science in the same University.
Q5: How did your education at LCU help you get to where you are now?
I am an Assistant Lecturer in the Durban University of Technology. I am also running a PhD programme in Management Science in the same University.
Q6: What advice would you give to prospective students of LCU?
There is no university like LCU, one that gives you the opportunity to study and also to develop exceptional life skills. Choose to study at LCU and when you look back in a few years, you will be glad that you made the right choice.
Q7: What advice would you give to LCU’s current students?
Don’t limit yourself, do not give up when times are tough. Dream big and do not be afraid to embark on new adventures.
Q8: Mention one or two of your proudest professional or personal accomplishments since graduating from LCU.
I have two Bachelor’s degrees, a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Arts, a Master’s degree (M.A) and I am currently working on my Doctorate degree.
Q9: If you had it to do all over again, would you still choose LCU?
Absolutely, Lead City University made me who I am today and instilled some values in me that I would never trade for anything. LCU will forever be a part of my success story.
Q10: If the opportunity presents itself, will you be happy to support the University or other LCU Alumni?